Sunday, August 26, 2007


the wine had taken me in
i felt his lips on mine
felt his touch
the warmth of his skin
the sound of his voice

my eyes opened
I realized he was gone

and my heart is empty
i can't move
my throat is closing up

he is gone

Monday, August 06, 2007

finding solace

I'm reading a book.

Eat. Pray. Love

No. Its not a religious book. Far from it.

But I think its given me something.

Last night I heard for the first time ever what it sounds like for a flock of geese to flap their wings in the wind.

The book is about living life. And not letting life live you.

Today I had a conversation with a friend over lunch.

He charged me with something that I've never done.

To take my Geneva ticket and go where my heart desires.

Experience. Learn. Talk with strangers from different worlds.

By Myself.

And so the adventure begins. I've had it in my head for a while actually and had invites from friends to travel with them. (and to those who invited me this fall...thank you so much! Your invitations are so dear!)

But this is different. This is going to be about learning from others and about myself...experiencing life.


I'm packing my camera, my journal, a backpack and I'm going.

Still figuring out my I want them to have meaning.

Lake Como is on my list.

Barcelona or the Spanish countryside, possibly.


All in Septmeber.

Because I want to learn.

Of course, mom is freaking out right now (its okay, mom....I'm not smoking and I will not be kidnapped on this trip)

Instead, I'm going to learn...what it is to live